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“Peninsula New York”: the ideal address for wonderful holidays in the Big Apple
Dass “Kevin – Allein in New York” is a sequel to the new credibility test Weihnachtsfilmen zählt, ist zu Teilen with Sicherheit on the Schaupplatz der Story zu verdanken. Schließlich living New York City During the evening there is a whole special Zauber inside. The central park, the Weihnachtsbaum at Rockefeller Center and the geschmückte Schaufenster on Fifth Avenue – the whole tragedy is that pulsating (and manchmaal at Kraftraubende) Energy of the million metropolis was in the east of the country.
Sollten Sie plans, New York If you want one of last night’s bowls, you can set an address on your bucket list: 700 Fifth Avenue. At this location, near the Kreuzung of 55th Street and the Einkaufsmeile Fifth Avenue, you will find one of the most popular hotels in New York, on the “Peninsula”. The start of 1905 in one of the most prestigious blocks of the city housed the heute Denkmalgeschützte Beaux-Arts-Gebäude Hotels – especially the “Gotham Hotel”, followed by the Hotel “Maxim’s de Paris” and the ende der Neunziger das “Peninsula New York” “.
Heute zählt das 23-stöckige Haus, dessen Kalkstein- und Granitefassade zahlreiche Schmuckelemente seen, 253 Zimmer, davon 50 Suiten and two Superior-Suiten. There are four restaurants and lounges, the city’s top addresses (and which can also accommodate external guests), such as a fitness studio, a spa and an indoor pool.
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